Tag Archives: photography

Autumn, What Does it Say to You? (Please Don’t Tell Me It’s Bloody Onions)

16 Oct

chestnuts What’s your favourite season?

Is it Spring, when new shoots search for the light, wellies are worn, puddles splashed in and the sun says ‘hello’.

When the days are brighter, dinner is something grilled and eaten with chilled wine and a smile. When love is fallen into,  lambs are born, babies are made, life gets warmer. New beginnings, happiness, daffodils, holidays searched for and cute cardigans worn.

Maybe it’s Summer, when the nights are long and the air is heady with good stuff being grilled over the neighbours BBQ. When the beer is especially cold and the days perfectly warm.

When school is out and mornings are slower, bedtime is later and Margaritas stronger. A time for flip flops, sun showers, turquoise jewellery, holidays, smiling and bare skin.

Or is it Winter, when duvets get cuddlier and mornings get darker. When fires are lit, cozy slow cooked dinners are made and eaten with heaps of velvety mashed potatoes and good red wine.

When curtains are drawn, blankets brought out and old movies are watched on a wet Sunday afternoon. Boots are worn, hats are searched for, snow is seen and Christmas is coming.

But for me the season I adore the most is Autumn. Continue reading

Y is for Youth… Embarrassing Photos Alert!

29 Apr

I am on the cusp of celebrating a ‘significant’ birthday and it’s got me thinking about my youth…

So I dug out some photos for you to laugh at.

This is my simple but sweet ‘Y’ for the A to Z challenge, enjoy…

sarah 1
me 3
me aged 4
aged 5

Bit of an age jump here. I think my Mum got bored rooting through photo’s…

Actually she said, “Oh for God’s sake Sarah mun, don’t you think I’ve got enough to bloody do!”

Errr, thanks Mam, I’ll just go have this mid life crisis quietly and I won’t bother you again.


me aged 11

Yup, I do believe I have embarrassed myself sufficiently now, so I shall bid you Adios.


(Now stop freaken’ smirking, this is all in the name of my art you know!)

One more day of the A to Z Challenge to go, yeah I know, thank the bloody Lord for that huh?

L is for Lovin’ Life Right Now…

14 Apr

1st shot

A heavenly, green, smiley, lush weekend away in the mountains.

No writing, stressing, shouting or fannying around on electrical devices (apart from camera and a few pics via Instagram, I was camping not dead!) to be had.

I am now home, unpacked, wined-up and happy.


We got a few raised eyebrows from the locals at our stick carving escapades but only one laceration was to be had.

Not bad considering we had five overzealous young carpenters whittling away.


We scrambled up a valley and discovered an absolutely stunning little pool! Fab-u-lous!


We found frog spawn… Ughhhhhhhhhhh, no those are NOT my fingers!


We walked through the mountains and talked, sat and marveled at the beauty around.

The children also moaned, teased each other, stamped on a few tiny creatures and said a few bad words too…

axey mountain green

My little hiking demon who managed to walk almost two hours without winging incessantly (he left that to his siblings). 🙂


Something beautiful and furry, which the children managed, remarkably, not to kill even after dropping it numerous times.


Yeah that’s our camp in the mountains of Gran Canaria.

How lucky did I feel right then…? DAMN LUCKY!


Finally, that’s for you.

A gift from Axel and me coz today we are so lovin’ life x

This was just a quickie post coz I’m knicker-knacker-roonied but if you wanna read more about my camping passion, check out this post out right here. 

Watch me stumble through the alphabet blogging my way from A to Z every day throughout April on the A to Z Blogging Challenge.

Some of it will be fabulous and some of will be a bit pooh, but I will be consistant with my effort,  I can promise you that x

Now please tell me, what are you lovin’ today?

J is for Joy, Finding it in the Small Stuff…

11 Apr

Shopping at the weekly market for pretty food

I find joy in buying beautiful fresh fruit and vegetables at the local market.

Colourful, exciting, crisp and delicious, what’s not to love?

I love my girls...x

These are two of my beautiful girlfriends and I am so damn lucky to have many more.

They make me laugh, they support me, they don’t judge me.

They know me so well,  they know that moment when I am about to fall and they catch me every time.

I am nothing without my girls x

Tanned tootsies, perk of living in Gran Canaria

Walking in Wales, just being.

Chatting, laughing, picking daisies and asking questions, lots of bizarre questions… (Oskar)

A belly laugh

A belly laugh, is there a better feeling? Oh yeah, there is…

Watching and listening to my children laugh. Love it x

Grass... an oddity in Gran Canaria!

Grass… the feel of it under my feet, the smell of it freshly mowed in Wales.

Grass means picnics, tumble tosses, summer and happiness.

Great Gum!

The gum of my teenage years.

A good friend bought me this packet last summer whilst on holiday in Wales.

I reminds me of friendship, school trips, classrooms and nipping off to the shops during school lunch breaks buying chicken rolls, rhubarb and custard sweets and gum, I always bought gum.

Being cooked for... God this was good!

To be cooked for is always a joy.

Be it an exquisite meal or beans on toast, I am always incredibly grateful when someone makes me something good to eat.

Beaching it...

Making sandcastles, swimming in the ocean, eating ice lollies, catching some rays, chatting, picnics, laughing, bodyboarding, making secret kingdoms in the rock pools, falling asleep on the way home… Beached out.

In these small things I find Joy…

I am on a blogging journey, pushing myself to think, question and write.

Subscribe to the blog and watch me go right though the alphabet, blogging my way through April every day on the A to Z blogging challenge.

What is J to you today? x

F is for Fabulous Family… Mine!

6 Apr


I needed help blogging today, I’m flippen knackered mun. So I asked my family to tell me the first word that came into their head when I said the letter F.

Easy huh…

Do you know my boys?

Oskar said, “The elf-word Mama?”

Axel said, “Foo-foo“, our household word for vagina.

Thank God for Victoria!

Scandiman is out on the lash, so he’s not included in this post but I am pretty sure he would have said fanny, he’s an optimist after all… don’t panic, no photos of those coming up!

After much giggling the boys found new words and I found mine.




Victoria did the illustrations, she obviously knows me well… ahem!


I am blogging my way through the alphabet, via the A to Z challenge everyday throughout April, so excuuuuse the nonsense you find on these pages, I’m normally rather highbrow you do see!